About TLG

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The Literary Gangster blog is an online space for me to practise getting wise to the craft of writing. It’s about bothering to learn one’s craft. It shares #gangstersuccess and encourages me to #daretowrite. It’s about writing to #pleaseyourself with the possible chance of pleasing someone else and it may even help someone else #getwise.

It’s a space where I wax and wane over the craft of writing. Sometimes I’m full and whole and bright, and other times I’m the sneaking, smiling Cheshire cat moon.

The Literary Gangster is about waxing wise to writing.

Enjoy these bite sized treats of microfiction and literary musings.

Howl over them if you need to.


Tracie Lark aka The Literary Gangster

TLG does not earn money from this blog. All pictures are used from creative commons with permission from Flickr, or are personal photos. TLG is a dotcom site and has an extravagant theme because Traciegila paid for some essence of professionalism. All work belongs to Tracie Lark aka Traciegila aka The Literary Gangster except in the case where a guest author has been named. Please ask permission if you wish to publish any of the works on this site however you do not not need permission to share them πŸ™‚ Peace out, TLG.